Just another one young delinquent with kid
Did you recognized?xD yeah, it's Rene when he was something around 4-5 and 14-15 years old Violent (not dr yet xD)
They grown up together. Rene was 12, when he fall in love in Violent, who in quick time feel the same for him, but he isn't pedophile, so didn't do anything, before he was in legal age. In meanwhile Violent finished study for PhD and create on of the most powerful mafia
Brushes used:wererats.deviantart.com/art/Sk… wererats.deviantart.com/art/Tr… wererats.deviantart.com/art/Ne…
Rene, dr Violent (c) Me

От http://wererats.deviantart.com - Original post 22Aug2013